Cultures of Hub_

The Furnitecture piece serves as a welcoming hub for the “Cultures of Team” The Cultures of Team is a research festival including collaborative community projects, creative residences.

The goal is to enhance human connections through nature-inspired design, creating a personal sanctuary that brings subtle elements of the natural world into our spaces. Supporting well-being by creating a space that promotes comfort and emotional balance.

Design Brief

Design a flexible and adaptable ‘furnitecture’
piece that serves as a welcoming hub for
community engagement by the Cultures of
Team. Inspired by nature and supporting well-
being, the piece should function as an exhibition
display, seating/meeting area, or a small creative
workshop/discussion space.


Biomimicry draws inspiration from nature's forms and processes, involving studying how natural organisms and ecosystems solve problems, then applying those to design challenges in architecture/interior design.

Some artists have used biomimicry design to create facades and structures, including the hexagon geometric pattern from honeycomb, along with inspiration from beetles' shells.

Research Inspiration

The V&A courtyard exemplifies design influenced by the lightweight construction principles observed in nature. The forewing shells of flying beetles, known as elytra, serve as inspiration, aiming to investigate the effects of emerging robotic technologies in the fields of architecture and engineering.


Geometry in wings

The wings of insects such as butterflies and beetles evolved through the modification of existing limb branches found in multi-branched ancestral appendages, which likely served as gills.

The vein-like structures within the wings are strategically arranged to provide strength while ensuring flexibility. Many insect wings exhibit optical characteristics, such as transparency, due to their microscopic textures.

The shapes and lines of transverse flexion illustrate the timing and functions of bending.

The Fragility of Flight

Fragility: refers to the quality of being easily broken, damaged, or weakened

The concept “The fragility of flight” refers to the delicate balance that enables insects to fly. Their wings, often gossamer-thin and intricately veined. This fragility underscores the intricate beauty and resilience of nature, where even the smallest things depend on such delicate mechanisms.

Through this concept development I gained further knowledge into a topic I’ve never studied before, allowing me to have greater understanding in responding design style.

Model making image board

3D Model Development


Explored through physical and digital process

